(561) 876-6237

Reprieve Recovery Center


Reprieve Recovery Center (Reprieve, LLC), for drug and alcohol addicts seeking sobriety, is located in Palm Beach County, West Palm Beach, Florida. We provide rehabilitation and treatment of substance abuse disorder using treatments such as Alcoholics and Narcotics Anonymous 12 step programs. Reprieve Recovery Center’s Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) and Outpatient Program (OP) provides healing to those in early phases of sobriety and recovery. Reprieve, LLC is accredited by JCAHO Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health Care Organizations.

Client care is our top priority with qualified, caring and compassionate staff available to assist during each step of your journey. Clients always have access to a staff member. This prevents hysterical thinking, conversations about sobriety and a constant diversion from bad ideas. A helping hand is always available whenever they need one. Psychiatrist/LMHC/LCSW on staff. We pride ourselves in having a very diverse group of professionals.

We understand all of the challenges those suffering from drug and alcohol addiction experience because we have done it ourselves. Family owned and operated facility, we strive to provide a healthy, safe, family-oriented atmosphere.The owners know each client, their sponsor, if they’re going to meetings, what step they are on and if they are employed. Our goal is to not only treat your addiction, but to help you to take back your place in your family and community.

Consequently, Reprieve Recovery Center is a true stepping stone from inpatient care to transition back into society.


Call Reprieve Recovery today to begin your journey!